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- 學校部分重建工程新里程 Partial Redevelopment Project
學校部分重建工程新里程 Partial Redevelopment Project
Date: 02/12/2021
Partial Redevelopment Project
Since 2007, the school has made an application to the Education Bureau to improve our learning environment. Through the joint efforts of the school sponsoring body - Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club, the Education Bureau, the Architectural Services Department, consultants, school staff, and the endless support of the Parent-teacher Association, the Alumni Association, the Students’ Association and the community, our Partial Redevelopment Project is moving into the construction phase. In the past two years, our project was discussed and approved in the Eastern District Council, the Legislative Council Panel on Education and the Legislative Council Public Works Subcommittee. The Legislative Council Finance Committee also approved a subvention of HK$285 million for the project. The tendering and recruitment process of contractors were completed recently. I am pleased to inform you that the construction will commence on 6th December, 2021.
The construction includes several phases. In phase 1, from December 2021 to November 2022, enabling works such as building of the lift tower and a temporary staircase will be done. In phase 2, from December 2022 to end of 2024, the existing school hall will be demolished and a new seven-storey education building will be built. The final phase includes conversion of some existing facilities. All construction works are expected to be completed in March 2025. The facilities in the new education building include a new Assembly Hall, Library, Student Activity Centre, Multipurpose Area, special rooms, etc. Some of the rooms in the old wing will be converted into new classrooms and small group teaching rooms. Some special rooms such as the Computer Room, Music Room, etc. and administrative facilities will also be renovated.
Thank you for your support to the school. Further information regarding the redevelopment will be provided later.
工程的第一階段由2021年12月至2022年11月進行,此階段屬前期工程,項目包括建造一座升降機及臨時樓梯等;第二階段為拆卸禮堂及興建一座七層高的教學大樓,此階段暫定於2022年12月開始,並於2024年末竣工;最後階段為改建部分舊翼的教學設施。 整個工程預計於2025年3月完成,需時共三年三個月。新教學大樓設施包括能容納全校學生的禮堂、全新的圖書館、學生活動中心、多功能大型活動場地、特別室等;舊翼大樓的改建工程則包括增加課室、小組教學室及重新裝修一些特別室(例如:電腦室、音樂室等)和行政設施等。